Regular cannabis users may experience difficulties when trying to quit method using THC cannabis. Indeed, some withdrawal symptoms can be difficult to bear and some subjects can experience strong anxiety and great irritability which can sometimes turn into a certain aggressiveness. Withdrawal can also be accompanied by sleep disturbances and headaches, nausea or even vomiting.
Le CBD can provide psychological support that should not be overlooked during THC withdrawal. In fact, the product has the same smell and the same flavor wich makes it possible to substitute for another one to calm irritability and feelings of anger during this stop. Vaping or smoking CBD flower recalls the gesture of the joint, thus allowing to calm the desires to consume THC.
But above all, CBD is a molecule very appreciated for its soothing benefits which will be a great help to fight against the stress of withdrawal. It helps to counter certain withdrawal symptoms such as difficulty sleeping or loss of appetite.
There are many different options for consuming CBD if you want to gradually stop marijuana before to be able to quit altogether. The most common methods are vaping, hemp oil, capsules, and edibles.
CBD oils are the easiest and fastest rapide method using cannabidiol. However, the price of certain oils depends on the power and the variety can become very expensive.
For this method, it will be enough to place few drops of oil under the tongue so the molecule passes quickly into the blood. But you can also add few drops to your dishes or drinks for a slower effect because the molecule will pass through the digestive system.
Vaping will be the best solution if you are also trying to quit smoking. ou will be able to calm anxiety that causes the lack of movement by using an electronic cigarette or a vaporizer for CBD flowers. The effects of vaping are almost instantaneous and can quickly help you fight your cravings by bringing you deep relaxation .
The problem with CBD e-liquids is that you won't completely quit smoking, you keep a certain addiction with the gesture and the "smoke" caused by vaping.
CBD food products are also a very good alternative for people who want to totally quit smoking due to the mode of consumption. Whether it's drinks, cakes and chocolates, there's something for everyone! Consuming CBD edibles will give you a more longer and more pronounced effect than when it is smoked.