Eating cannabis is more powerful than smoking it

After have tried several experiments in the world of cannabis, you probably realized that eating cannabis edibles provides much stronger beaucoup effects than when you smoke it. Putting a little bit of weed in your cookies can make the experience much more pleasant in terms of power and duration.
However, be careful to not add too much ! Maybe you or a friend of yours had a hard time because you didn't really know how it works.
We will understand why the effects of cannabis are stronger when you eaten than smoked.
Quit often, cannabis edibles are underestimated due to the fact that consumers expect to receive a direct effect immediately after ingesting them, this can be a fatal mistake ! The main reason behind all of this lies in the way the components of cannabis interact with our body.
When you eat cannabis, it has to pass through the digestive system. During the absorption process, THC passes through the liverwhere it is converted in another molecule much more potent molecule Delta-9-THC (the normal form of THC) becomes 11-hydroxy-THC, which passes the barrier blood-brain with much more ease and power! Same thing for CBD.
When you inhale cannabis in the form of smoke or vapour, the components are absorbed directly into the bloodstream through the lungs. This prevents THC and CBD from passing through the liver and heading directly to the brain. So the effects are faster but less powerful.

Think to the fact that when you smoke weed, the THC and CBD that does not pass the blood–brain the first time will pass through the bloodstream to go around the body. On their way, they end up passing through the liver where, in the same way as when they are eaten, they are converted into another molecule.
This makes you feel the effects of both forms of THC and CBD, once the bloodstream brings them back to the brain ! In recap, the main difference between eating and smoking is that all the THC and CBD you consume by eating are converted into a different molecule, while only a small portion of these cannabinoids are when it's smoked.

The cannabinoids dosage (CBD/THC) plays a very important role in the final effect felt. When you eat cannabis, everything is absorbed at once and you have little control over the dose as it takes a long time before the effects are felt. When you smoke, you have immediate insight into the impact of the effects on you and can manage the dose according to what you desire.
This is technically called titration controlling and adjusting the power as you go !
When the cannabis is smoked, in general the peak of power takes place after around ten minutes then dissipates quite quickly during the following 30/60 minutes. So with titration, you can maintain yourself at a certain level for a period of time. Something that is not possible by eating cannabis since everything is absorbed at once.
However, when you know your herb and the potency of your cooking preparations, you can have a better idea of the dose so control it more precisely. To achieve this, you will always need to measure how many grams you eat to determine what dose is best for your body.
You can find the standard doses adapted to each type of individual on this article :
Measuring how long CBD/THC stays in the body is actually quite complicated. The fact that CBD/THC can be stored in fat and re-released later makes measuring these complex.
In truth, everything is linked to the way THC/CBD is metabolized. If they do not pass through the liver, they dissipate very quickly. If they pass through the liver, these cannabinoids can stay between 6 and 10 hours.
The last factor to take into account is the time it will take for the effect to be felt. Whether smoked or vaped, the effects of cannabis kick in quickly, sometimes almost directly. However, when it is eaten, you will have to wait between 45 minutes and 1 hour 30 for the latter to act.
This phenomenon is explained by two major differences. The first is that when you smoke weed, cannabinoids pass directly into the bloodstream and then reach the brain quite quickly. When you eat it, cannabis pass first through the the digestive system where it will be metabolized by the liver then sent into the bloodstream before reaching to the brain.

The second difference concerns the concentrations which also play a role. Smoking cannabis passes much more CBD/THC into the bloodstream than eating it. About 50-60% des inhaled cannabinoids pass into the bloodstream, while only 10–20% des eaten cannabinoids do. This explains why the rise of ingested cannabis is slower.