What is CBD ?

CBD (cannabidiol) is a no-psychoactive molecule from hemp, also called cannabis. Unlike the second molecule in the plant called Delta-9 TetraHydroCannabinol or THC, CBD doesn't have high effects so it doesn't make you addict.Its consumption is now legal in France but .... Read more

Eat cannabis

Well, I can reassure you right away, you don't eat your hash or your weed directly like you would taste a piece of chocolate ! It would be stupid... Cannabis must be prepared beforehand, heated to a certain temperature (which we will see just after) then infused for a certain time in a fatty substance such as butter, olive oil or coconut oil…. Read more

Eating cannabis is more powerful than smoking it

After have tried several experiments in the world of cannabis, you probably realized that eating cannabis edibles provides much stronger beaucoup effects than when you smoke it. Putting a little bit of weed in your cookies can make the experience much more pleasant in terms of power and duration ….  Read more

Stop THC with CBD

Regular cannabis users may experience difficulties when trying to quit method using THC cannabis. Indeed, some withdrawal symptoms can be difficult to bear and some subjects can experience strong anxiety and great irritability which can sometimes turn into a .... Read more

The benefits and disadvantages of cannabis edibles

If you are looking for a method of consumption that is less harmful for your lungs in order to completely quit smoking, edibles are for you ! However, like any mode of consumption, they have their advantages and disadvantages which we will discuss here. Find out if they are right for you or not, and if ... Read more

Cannabis for ederly persons

The link between cannabis cannabis and santé des old persons continues to be proven. To give more proof to these statements, recent studies from countries where medical cannabis is legal show that the biggest increase in consumption is in the age groups aboves 65 years … Read more

CBD and sport

We already talk many times in our previous articles about the therapeutic purpose potential that CBD would present :  painkillerinflammatory phenomenon, anti-anxiolytic, anti-psychotic, anti-cancer, anti-oxidant, etc... Thanks to all of the superpowers assigned to this plant since time immemorial, cannabis could become a good ally for athletics … Read more

Le cannabis contre le stress et la dépression​

Cannabis is already well known for its relaxing effects and anti-depressioneffects. But then is it really able to reduce stress and cure depression ? Doesn't matter the origin, symptoms of depression are very often similar. This disease is characterized by low mood, loss of motivation, loss of interest … Read more

What is CBG ?

Le Cannabigerol or CBG is part of the long list of more than 120 components present in the different varieties of cannabis plants. Indeed, if you know THC and CBD, you surely know that cannabis has many cannabinoids en quantité plus ou moins abondante selon l’origine de la plante … Read more

What are terpenes ?

Terpenes are intended to protect the plant they inhabit, while giving it a unique aromatic specificity. It is in particular thanks to terpenes that we find a very wide variety of cannabis plants, with different tastes and aromas. Some terpenes are very powerful and can have therapeutic functions … Read more

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